Our Mission: Making Quality Psychological Support Accessible to All Ukrainians
We believe that mental health care is a necessity, not a luxury. UA Mental Help Therapy functions as a social enterprise: every consultation not only provides support to an individual but also contributes to funding free assistance for those in greatest need.

Mental Health Is An Opportunity for Everyone to Unlock Their Potential
Unfortunately, stigma around psychological support, the challenges of war, financial barriers, and mistrust in specialists leave many people without the help they need. We believe this can and must change.
We aim to ensure everyone can realize their potential and access timely, professional mental health support, regardless of their financial circumstances.
Our approach
When people have access to support, they become more resilient, confident, and capable of contributing to collective well-being.

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UAMH Foundation

UA Mental Help Therapy is a nonprofit platform providing access to quality psychological support for everyone, regardless of financial circumstances.
Find Support or Become the Support
Whether you’re looking for guidance on your journey to emotional well-being or want to help others as a professional therapist, UA Mental Help Therapy is the place to find everything you need.