Humeniuk Dmytro

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8+ years of experience
Humeniuk Dmytro

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8+ років досвіду
✅ Loyalty and trust
100% of patients gave this therapist 5 stars.
📈 Efficiency and progress
92% of patients have successful treatment results
About me
I am a certified psychologist, a certified group psychotherapist in group analysis, and a candidate for psychoanalysis in UPT.
Psychotherapy has radically changed my perception of myself and the people around me. With the help of my therapists, I began to understand myself better and how I feel. How to deal with all my inner feelings and experiences. I learned and felt how to withstand internal contradictory emotional states and how to be aware of them.
During my practice and my own therapy, I became convinced that deep changes in a person, no matter how much one would like them to happen, do not happen quickly, but when these changes occur, you feel them immediately, they become part of your life, worldview, and interaction with others.
🍑 Sexual Difficulties, 😴 Sleep Disorders, 🙁 Mood Disorders, ⏳ Burnout, 😵 Anxiety, 🤯 Panic attacks, 😵 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 💑 Family Therapy, 😔 Depression, 🤕 Trauma and PTSD, 👌 Self-Esteem, 👤 Personality Disorder, 😯 Phobias, 😟 Stress
What I don't work with
Family Therapy, Hallucinations, Autism, Children and Teenagers, Bipolar Disorder, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm
Client's age
Adults (18-64)
Approaches used
Psychodynamic Therapy
M. Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University
Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Psychology
Additional education
2014 - course “Visual Psychodiagnostics” based on the author's methodology by V. Taranenko.
2015 - 2023 - training in the APPU-EGATIN project (Association of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine), section “Group Analysis”.
Professional associations
National Psychological Association (NPA), European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (EFPP), International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)
Languages spoken
Ukrainian, russian